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Which is

It is the set of principles and laws revealed by superior spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec, which constitute the spiritist codification: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, the Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and The Genesis.

"Spiritism is a science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of spirits, as well as their relationships with the corporeal world",  in “What is Spiritism”, Preamble, by Allan Kardec.

“Spiritualism accomplishes what Jesus said about the promised Comforter: knowledge of things, making Man know where he comes from, where he is going and why he is on Earth; draws to the true principles of the Law of God and consoles, through faith and hope."  in “The

Gospel according to Spiritism”, ch. VI, point 4  

  what reveals

It reveals new and deeper concepts about God, the Universe, men, spirits and the laws that govern life. It also reveals who we are, where we came from, where we are going, what is the purpose of our existence and what is the reason for pain and suffering.

its scope

Bringing new concepts about Man and everything that surrounds him,  Spiritism touches on all areas of human knowledge, activities and behavior, opening a new era for the regeneration of Humanity.

It can and should be studied, analyzed and practiced in all fundamental aspects of life: scientific, philosophical, religious, ethical, moral, educational, social.


its fundamental teachings

  God is the supreme intelligence, the first cause of all things. It is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, sovereignly just and good. In the Universe there are other inhabited worlds, with beings of different degrees of evolution: equal, more evolved and less evolved than men. Spirits are the intelligent beings of  creation. They constitute the world of spirits that  pre-exists and survives everything.  Spirits reincarnate as many times as necessary for their own improvement.  The relationships between spirits and men are constant and have always existed. Good spirits attract us to the good, sustain us in the trials of life and help us to bear them with courage and resignation. The imperfect lead us to error.      

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